Lenten Guides and Calendars
These tools are provided to give you a way to connect with God in a special way during this time of the Church year. Read the descriptions below and pick the one that you wish. May these guides bless your Lenten experience. Rev. Cope
The Season of Lent is an opportunity to reflect on our lives, on how we are living our call to discipleship, and a time to
seek repentance and renewal for the ways we have fallen short. This Lenten Reflection Guide is an opportunity for you
to take up the invitation of Pope Francis to pray with and reflect on his new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and
Social Friendship. In Fratelli Tutti (“Brothers and Sisters All”), Pope Francis models a sort of Lenten-style of “examination” of the challenges and social sins facing our world. He calls us to personal reflection and repentance for the ways in
which we fail to recognize our neighbors as “brothers and sisters” and contribute to the social and ecological crises facing
our world today. Through the traditional Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving (here known as action), and
through reflecting on the experiences of Maryknoll missioners, we invite you to enter into the journey of Lent and dive
deeper into the reflections of Pope Francis during this challenging time – or turning point – in history.
seek repentance and renewal for the ways we have fallen short. This Lenten Reflection Guide is an opportunity for you
to take up the invitation of Pope Francis to pray with and reflect on his new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and
Social Friendship. In Fratelli Tutti (“Brothers and Sisters All”), Pope Francis models a sort of Lenten-style of “examination” of the challenges and social sins facing our world. He calls us to personal reflection and repentance for the ways in
which we fail to recognize our neighbors as “brothers and sisters” and contribute to the social and ecological crises facing
our world today. Through the traditional Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving (here known as action), and
through reflecting on the experiences of Maryknoll missioners, we invite you to enter into the journey of Lent and dive
deeper into the reflections of Pope Francis during this challenging time – or turning point – in history.
In Lent, we reflect on Christ’s ministry, death, and resurrection. We slow down, and examine our internal spiritual lives as well as the way we live out our Christian faith in the world. Our faith teaches us that humans were put on this earth with the responsibility to be stewards. We also know our individual as well as collective U.S. lifestyles have led to serious harm to God’s good creation. This Lenten reflection and action guide will help individuals take time to learn, reflect, repent, ask God for forgiveness, and take concrete steps to change course.